Internal Matches Workflow

Internal Matches Workflow

With a complete skills profile, you can view available internal job opportunities, how your skill set matches the job requirements, your skills gap to different positions, and build your internal career pathways.

Step 1: To view job opportunities within your organization, select the Job Opportunities option from the left-hand menu, then select Internal Matches.



Note: You can also filter by Location and Department

Step 2: You will see a list of internal opportunities that you are qualified for, ranked from the highest skills match to the lowest.


Step 3: A quick way to apply is to click the three-dotted menu icon on the right side, then click Apply, which shows interest in this position. 


You can also select one of the three options from the three-dot menu. 

  1. Build Career Path: This will allow you to Build a Career Path toward the desired role while filling any gaps that will increase your Skills Match. (View more here
  2. Training Missing Skills: Instead of building a Career Path, this will search for the best-suited course covering many of the skills required to become a more substantial match. 
  3. Add Skills to Profile: This allows you to add skills you possess to increase your Skills Match to the job. 


Step 4: Click the job title to learn more about the opportunity.

From there, you can view additional details, including job type, seniority level, intended start date, job description, etc. and decide whether this opportunity is right for you.


Step 5: Once you click Apply, the HR admin in charge of hiring for this position will receive a notification and begin reviewing your application.


Step 6: You can view your application status under the Job Opportunites tab, followed by Applications 


Note: To withdraw your application, click the three-dot menu and select Withdraw Application. By doing so, this match will not show up on the Internal Matches. 




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