
Question  Answer 
How does SkyHive define what a skill is? SkyHive works to capture what the labor market reflects as a transferable unit of knowledge. This could be soft skills, technical skills, etc. Machine learning recognizes ability, knowledge, understanding, skill proper, competency, experience, and expertise.
Does SkyHive have descriptions of skills? Yes. SkyHive AI automatically identifies new 'skill candidates" by constantly analyzing the trends of the labor market. It then generates a definition for these skills that are reviewed by our team of linguists and subject matter experts to confirm its quality before being introduced to users of SkyHive.
Does SkyHive allow the ability to assign skill proficiency levels? If so, what are the different proficiency levels?

SkyHive does allow the ability to assign proficiency levels.

Proficiency levels on a 3-point scale: Entry, Intermediate, and Experience.

Proficiency levels are on a 5-point scale: Beginner, Intermediate, Experienced, Advanced, and Expert. 

Are there descriptions for each proficiency level? 

Yes, each proficiency level has a description. In addition to this we also provide each skill with a definition.

Can SkyHive provide an overview of top skills throughout my organization or a department?

Yes, we can do this internally within your organization, as well as externally in the labor market, as well as in competing organizations.


How far back in history is it pulling from your work experiences (i.e. 1992 skills may not be relevant today)-is there a cut-off?

The technology will extract the skills based on the data we input, regardless of whether it pertains to a work experience from 1992 or a more recent one. It will take into account the information we provide. The actual validation of these skills, as well as the employee's proficiency level, will be based on a self-assessment conducted by the employees themselves. Additionally, the validation by their managers will highlight the skills that their direct reports use and exhibit in their day-to-day jobs.


Data Sources

Question  Answer
Does the employee need to give any permission for their LinkedIn profile to be used? Or is this covered by it being public data?

Yes, SkyHive does not use public data without the user's consent. 


Where does SkyHive’s skill data come from? Data comes from resumes, professional online profiles, job descriptions, job boards, government and economic data, annual reports, course outlines, and more. 24 TB of raw data is processed daily.
What locations does SkyHive pull labor market data from? SkyHive labor market data comprises 200 countries and can be viewed by country, province, city, or state. We abide by website standards as well as GDPR.
How does multi-lingual processing work? What impact would it have if I were to add a new language? SkyHive uses a multilingual Large Language Model, trained to identify skills from data sources (e.g. resumes and job descriptions), and allows us to work with many languages. When a new official language is added, tests are run to ensure accuracy, including how the skill is mapped to our skill dictionary. 


Job Profiles

Question Answer
Job definitions may be very different from company to company or industry to industry. How are definitions being compared and what is the value?

SkyHive imports a client’s job definitions and allows for comparison and analysis to our labor market definitions. This includes geographic, industry and time-based considerations in the skill and role definition. These insights can be used to create, update, and maintain job definitions over time.


Does the text generated by the job description generator consider inclusive language analysis as organizations may want to use this for job advertisements?

Yes, all SkyHive models must pass our 3rd party verified Midas Certification which evaluates the model for a variety of bias measures in alignment with known and upcoming legislation regarding ethical AI.




Question Answer
What are the implementation timelines? Timelines depend entirely on the number of use cases being deployed by a client. A single-use case can be as short as two weeks - 3 months, depending on complexity and required integrations.
Are integrations out of the box? SkyHive has various integration capabilities - via API, SkyHive's Integration Hub or the integration platforms specific to a system.
What is the roadmap/timeline for integrating with content providers (e.g., Pluralsight, Skillsoft etc.)?  SkyHive is constantly adding new integrations based on client request and use cases. Our main targets for increased integration will continue to be Workday, SuccessFactors, Microsoft and additional learning providers (Cornerstone, Edcast) based on a mixture of client requests and new use case exploration.
Can we see your API log? Developer Accounts or access to our Developer Portal can be provisioned for testing or validation purposes for prospects and clients.


Ethical AI

Question Answer
What does SkyHive do for ethical AI?

Ethical AI is top of mind for SkyHive. We are globally recognized and committed to explainable AI practices. Human-in-the-loop processes remain intact to codify, train, validate, monitor, and improve our algorithms. In addition, we abide by standards required by websites and GDPR. We have also refrained from bringing in gender-specific data as we would not want algorithms to be biased based on protected classes.


Question Answer
What Is the pricing structure? Is it based on number of users, employees, API calls? Pricing is subscription-based. After this call, we will be in touch, and, based on the use cases that have been seen and those that will be most suitable, we can better define what pricing would be like.



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