Explore My Career Path

SkyHive’s Career Path tool allows you to explore career opportunities, helps you identify hidden and adjacent skills, skills gaps to your desired career goals, and targeted learning pathways to bridge those gaps, ultimately supporting you to upskill and advance your career.

Creating a Career Path

Step 1: Select Career Path from the left-hand navigation menu. 


Step 2: SkyHive recommends a list of similar positions that you can transition to from your current role. These positions represent potential vertical and/or horizontal career paths based on what is commonly observed in the labor market. Screenshot_-_2022-05-19T172623.939.png

You may also select one of the options from the Suggest Positions drop-down menu.

The percentage score represents how closely your skills match this Suggested Position. 

Green: 80%-100%: 


Orange: 0%-80%: 



Alternatively, you can also enter your own desired role that may even exist outside of your organization to see the associated skills for that particular career path.



Note: To add your own position, click on the text box and start to fill it out. Wait a few seconds for the generated list. If it doesn’t exist, you can manually add it in.

  • Positions marked with this icon are defined within your company and have skills set by the management. (Org Chart icon)
  • Positions marked with this icon are Job openings posted by your company and have skills set by the hiring manager and HR. (Briefcase icon)

Step 3: You can then see how well your skills match with the selected role, along with the skills in common that you already possess and the skills you can train to become more qualified for your future career.

In the example below, Data Specialist was selected from the Suggested Positions tab.

Skill Match %: Match between skill profile and labor market requirements for this position.

Shared Skills: Display the skills you already have in the desired position. 

Skills to Train: Contain Current and Future skills based on present-day labour market demand for the position.


Note: If you notice that you possess the Skills under Skills to train, click on the blue Add to Profile icon to add them to your profile. 

Step 4: Under SKILLS TO TRAIN, SkyHive will highlight the top skills related to the Career Path you've chosen to explore. By clicking on the skill, details will be revealed as to why this is considered a top skill. 


Step 5: Select BUILD CAREER PATH to explore training opportunities to help you bridge your skills gap and better qualify you for your desired position. 


Step 6: SkyHive then produces a list of relevant training opportunities for your chosen Career Path.

Sort by Skill match (set up by default) (in descending order from top skill match to low)

Sort by Price - in descending order (from lowest to highest price)

Other filters include: Training Provider, Maximum Price and Duration 


Advanced filters include:

  • Location 
  • Course Type
  • Language 


The training shown in SkyHive when building the Upskill Roadmap will also list the skills to train. You can search through the list of training and select ADD to add training courses.

As training opportunities are added, the skills being covered by the training will be highlighted in green to show that they have been appropriately covered in this Career Path.


Note:  If courses are already highlighted in green without you adding them, it’s due to the fact you are already taking training that addresses those Skills to Train.

You may also search for courses in your course catalog by 'title' when building a career path by selecting the Search Course option. Once you have located your chosen course, select the Add option. 



Step 7: Once saved, your Career Path will be built.

General Information contains the following information:

  • Selected Career Path (Your desired position)
  • Progress (Courses you have completed)
  • Skills Trained (Skills currently possessed and gained)
  • Spent to Date (How much you have spent on courses to date)
  • Remaining Cost (What the remaining cost is)
  • Skills Left to Train (Represent gaps you are actively attempting to close to become a stronger candidate for this desired position)


Step 8: As you scroll down the page, you will be able to view a generated Timeline for your Career Path that contains the following information:

  • The date your Career Path started, along with your current position
  • Requested Training which details whether it is external or internal, price along with the skills you will acquire by completing the course
  • As you complete training, the green checkmark will continue to progress


Add Training allows you to add additional courses to your Career Path

Actions to the far right of a specific course allow you to Remove Training


Step 9: To view a list of your requested training courses and their status, you can go to the Training tab under Training & Development.


Step 10: Once approved, you will have the ability to start the course. 


Once started, the progress will change to Ongoing


Step 11: Once you have completed the training, you will have an opportunity to confirm the skills you have learned while rating the course and leaving a review.



Step 12: Your profile will underline these new skills or skill levels. By clicking on the skill, the training course will be revealed.





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