Edit My Profile Settings and General Information

Editing Profile Settings 

Keeping your profile up-to-date is essential for finding the right job opportunities within the company. Follow these steps to edit your profile settings:

1. Click on the Profile Settings icon to access the profile editing options.


2. Under General Settings, you can customize your menu behaviour by selecting "Always Expand," "Always Collapse," or "Last Used."



3. In the Job Preferences section, click the blue Edit button to modify your relocation and remote work preferences. Choose from options like "Willing to Work Remotely", "Not Willing to Work Remotely", or "No Preference to Work Remotely" for remote work, and "Willing to Relocate", "Not Willing to Relocate", or "No Preference to Relocation" for relocation.




4. Update your Desired Pay by entering your minimum annual pay or hourly pay in the text box and selecting the appropriate currency from the dropdown menu.


5. Set your Language Preferences to display content, menus, and buttons in your preferred language.

6. If you want to participate in the company's mentorship program, check the box under Mentorship Participation.


7. To change your password, click on Request Password Reset. An email will be sent to your registered email address with instructions on resetting your password.

Note: Please check your spam folder if the message does not appear in your inbox within 2 minutes.

General Information - Edit - Profile V1 

1. Click the blue Edit button under the General Information section.



Update your First Name, Last Name, Position, or Reference ID by typing in the respective text boxes.

Select your Department or Location from the dropdown menus.

To add or change your profile photo, click the button under the current photo.

Please note that only an admin can update your Direct Manager and Date Hired information.

Once you've made all the necessary changes, click the blue Save button to update your profile. If you want to discard your changes, click Cancel.


General Information Edit - Profile V2

To modify Personal Information, select the Edit button. 

Work Experience, Projects, Education, Credentials, Hobbies 

Selecting Import from your resume will allow you to pre-populate the information below, but you can also Edit specific sections by selecting Edit. 



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