User Types and Permission Levels

All SkyHive Enterprise users have one of six user levels.

  • Owner: Full control over a single Enterprise. You can view and edit Enterprise Settings.
  • HR Administrator: Full control over a single Enterprise. Cannot view or edit Enterprise Settings.
  • HR Department Administrator Full control over the user's department within the Enterprise. Cannot view or edit Enterprise Settings.
  • Recruiter: Can access LMI and Talent Matching modules. (The recruiter role can only activated when the Integration Mode setting is enabled for the enterprise)
  • Analyst: Can access the LMI module, view statistics across the organization, and view and edit their profile only.
  • Manager: Can view and edit their and their direct reports' profiles, including job matches and career development.
  • Worker: Can view and edit their profile, including job matches and career development.
  • See the Chart below for the Module View by User Type

HR Administrators and Owners can change user types in bulk or one user at a time.

To bulk change a group of users, select the users in the Employees module you wish to change, click on the Actions drop-down menu, which appears upon selecting an Employee, and select Change User Type.


You can also change only one Employee's user type within their profile by selecting Change User Type from the Actions dropdown. 


Once Change User Type is selected, the Administrator will see the image below to choose the updated user type defined as follows: 


Your User Type is under General/Personal Information on your SkyHive profile.

Profile V1


Profile V2

Screenshot - 2024-06-18T130901.874.png


Module View by User Type

Modules/View Owner HR Admin HR Department Admin  Analyst Manager Worker
Profile (Personal) * * * * *
Profile (Direct reports) * * *   *  
Profile (All Users) * *        
Employee Analytics Only       *    
Career Path * * *   * *
Skill Blueprint * * *      
Job Opportunities ^ * * *   * *
Training & Development ^ * * *   * *
Course Catalog ^ * * *   * *
Talent Acquisition ^ * * *   *  
Labor Market Intelligence ^ * * * *    
Workforce Planning ^ * * *      
Analytics ^ * * * *    
Enterprise Structure * * * (Positions only)       
Enterprise Settings *          

If the Module is enabled


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