In the assessment of experiential learning, SkyHive's peer-to-peer learning module (Mentorship) allows a learner (Mentee) user to be paired with a teacher (Mentor) user to transfer skills.
Once you have employee users with complete skills profiles, you can begin pairing an internal "mentor" employee with a "mentee" employee (often a new hire) who lacks certain critical skills to rapidly onboard and upskill the "mentee" employee.
To match a mentee with a mentor:
Step 1: Select Training & Development on the left-hand menu.
Step 3: You can search for an Employee by Name or Email, by Department, and by Office.
Step 4: You can also select the blue arrow next to an employee to reveal the following:
- Common Skills: Skills they possess in their current role (Defined within Enterprise Structure)
- Skills to Train: Skills they are currently lacking in their current role (Defined within Enterprise Structure)
- Skills in Training: Skills they are currently in the process of acquiring or upskilling in through training courses
Step 5: Once you have selected the Mentee, select Next at the bottom of the screen.
Step 6: Skills to Train will be automatically selected but can be removed or adjusted by selecting an individual.
You may also manually add your own or select from Recommended Skills based on live labor market demand that derives from the Position of the Mentee.
Step 7: A list of Mentors will be presented based on how many skills they are able to cover, which pertains to what you have previously selected.
You can view additional details as to which skills are covered by selecting the blue arrow to the left of the Mentor Name.
It will also display how many Ongoing Mentorships the individual currently has and how many they have Completed.
Step 8: To select the Mentor, click on the button next to their name followed by Assign at the bottom of the screen.
Step 9: The assigned Mentorship is now visible under the Active section.
Step 10: You can change the status to Ongoing by selecting from the three-dot menu to the far right of the pairing.
There are also options to Find Alternative Mentor or Cancel Mentorship.
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