Note: These Advanced Settings can only be modified by a SkyHive Admin
General Settings
Skill Definitions
Description: When enabled, users can click on skills and see the skill definition popover.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > General Settings Tab
Setting options:
Default: Enabled on Enterprise Creation
Enabled: When enabled, users can click on skills and see the skill definition popover. The setting is applied across the whole platform and there are no restrictions for users with different security roles.
Disabled: When disabled there is no skill definition popover for skills.
Restricted Employee Profile View
Description: When enabled, Workers can see only their own profile. All the other modules are hidden.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > General Settings Tab
Setting options:
Default: Disabled on Enterprise Creation
Disabled: When disabled then when an employee with user type “Worker” logs in the system or managerial role user goes to the employee view then s/he can view the full list of modules for the side navigation menu.
Enabled: When enabled then when an employee with user type “Worker” logs in the system or managerial role user goes to the employee view then s/he can view the Profile tab under the side navigation menu.
Mobile Experience Training Routing
Description: When enabled, all users will be routed to different training areas based on their profile status when they log into Skyhive on a mobile device. If their profile is not activated, they will be taken to a shorter onboarding process. If their profile is activated, they will be taken to the request training page or career path module.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > General Settings Tab
Setting options:
Default: Disabled on Enterprise Creation
Enabled: When enabled then login behavior for mobile changes the following way:
Non-activated employee login for the first time will see onboarding taking them to Step 6 - Skills and on completion of that page, they will be taken to Find Training with "Missing Skills" pre-filled based on their Match to Position.
An activated employee with no career path, after login, will see Find Training with their "Missing Skills" pre-filled based on their Match to Position
Activated employees with a career path, after login, will be routed to Career Path Module automatically.
When the setting is ENABLED, the behavior after login on Desktop/Tablet should behave as a normal enterprise.
Disabled: When disabled the login behavior for mobile is left as is
Display Language Preference Settings
Description: When Disabled, all display language preference settings in Enterprise Setting and Worker's Account Setting will not be editable.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > General Settings Tab
Setting options:
Default: Enabled on Enterprise Creation
Enabled: When enabled then Owner+ users are able to edit the default language setting (Enterprise settings > Public profile tab > Default Display language).
Worker-type users and managerial-type users under employees view can edit their language preferences via profile settings > Language preferences.
Disabled: When disabled Owner+ users will not be able to edit the default language setting (Enterprise settings > Public profile tab > Default Display language)
For worker profiles it won’t be possible to edit language preferences via profile settings > Language preferences tab for worker view.
Allow Download Employee & Job Data
Description: This setting allows to grant permission to download Employee & Positions Data for certain user types. Pay attention that Super Admin user type always has access to this functionality.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > General Settings Tab
Detailed description:
The setting itself is a checkbox selector.
Owner & Admins (only for the enterprise(s) the user has access to)
Default value: Off
Functionality: Owner & Admins users (Multi-Admin, and Group Admin) are allowed to request Employee Data and Positions Data download only for the enterprise the user has access to.
HR Admin (only for the enterprise the user has access to)
Default value: Off
Functionality: HR Admin is allowed to request Employee Data and Positions Data download only for the enterprise the user has access to.
HR Department Admin (only for the department the user has access to)
Default value: Off
Functionality: HR Department Admin is allowed to request Employee Data and Positions Data download only for the department the user has access to.
Manager (only for direct reports the user has access to)
Default value: Off
Functionality: The manager is allowed to request Employee Data only for the direct reports the user has access to.
Super Admins should always have access to this functionality.
For super admin: the employee and position data download request for Super Admin users should be approved or rejected by users responsible
For other user types, no approval is required
Once any other user type except super admin exports employees/positions/job definitions data then s/he should view a warning modal
Once the user clicks on "Agree&Download" the Excel file download flow should be executed
once the user clicks on the back OR the cross button then the modal is closed and the Excel file download flow should not be executed.
Positions Typeahead Settings
Description: When enabled, the “Enter your own” position typeahead for Career Path will be limited to the selections. ***NOTE: At least 1 option must be selected.***.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > General Settings Tab
Default: Enterprise Positions/TA Job Positions/Labour Market Positions = Enabled
Detailed Description:
Labor Market Positions
TA Job Positions (from talent acquisition)
Enterprise Positions (from enterprise structure)
these settings will affect Career Path (both manager and employee view) for the Enter your own typeahead field.
only enabled ones will appear
Info Icon should show dynamically based on settings
add the new labor market info as well
the 3 items should be dynamic based on the settings
External Job Match Period
Description: When Enabled the external jobs time period will be set to the last month.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Setting options:
Default: 30
Asian Names Localization Setting
Description: When enabled, First Names and Last Names of employees within the Enterprise will be reversed.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > General Settings Tab
Default: Disabled
Job Opportunity External Match Settings
Description: Selected option will reflect the job location matched for external matches in Job Opportunity.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Default: Show external match within the province or state located only
Setting options: The location range of external jobs displayed for a worker directly depends on the options written below. The system pays attention to each individual worker’s location and provides a list of external matches. The external jobs can be viewed by employees under the Job Opportunities module for their worker profile > External Matches tab.
Show external match within the city located only
Show external match within the province or state located only
Show external match within the country located only
Direct Manager Automation Setting
Description: When enabled, a user with Worker type has been added as the Direct Manager of another user, the Direct Manager will be promoted to Manager user type if they’re not currently already user-type Manager+.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled the worker type user who was assigned as a Direct Manager will be automatically promoted to the Manager user type. If a direct manager before the assignment already was with Manager+ user type then his/her user type is left as is.
NOTE: When a direct manager is added to any user and this newly appointed direct manager's user type is worker, then after auto promotion the HR+ user receives a toast message and a notification.
Disabled: When disabled, HR Admin or higher managerial role users must manually update the Direct Manager's user type to Manager using the employee module → three dots menu of a particular user.
Visibility Settings for Employee > Archived Tab
Description: When selected, the visibility of the Archived Tab in the Employee Module will be affected.
Default: Manager+ option on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Setting options: Based on the chosen option the visibility of the Archived tab under the employees module can be limited for users with a particular user type.
Show Core Skills Tab in Profile
Description: When enabled, if Core Skills have been defined for the department/team the employee is in, it will show Matching skills, Partial skills, and Missing skills defined by their manager.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Setting options:
Core Skills should only appear for an employee profile if the employee is added to a specific team/department via Enterprise Structure module > Department tab > edit flow (NOTE: does not work for the default department “Uncategorized”)
Core Skills should only appear for an employee profile if core skills are defined in the department/team they're in. If 0 skills are added to the Department, then the Core Skill tab should be hidden
For each employee, the system shows the following sections based on the core skills defined by the Department user is attached to:
Shared skills (core skills and their skill proficiency level already obtained by an employee)
Partial Skills (core skills' skill proficiency level do not much to those obtained by an employee)
Skills to Train (core skills employee should train)
Password Reset Functionalities
Description: When disabled, Workers will not be able to reset password and Manager+ will not be able to send password reset emails.
Default: Enabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled the worker type user/ managerial type user in the employee profile view is able to reset the password. The reset can be requested via the Profile Settings module for the side navigation menu > Password Reset tab
Disabled: When disabled the worker type user/ managerial type user in the employee profile view is not able to reset the password. This option will be disabled for the user’s profile.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Description: When enabled, all users of the enterprise will require two-factor OTP authentication using the selected method.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Setting options:
Disabled: When disabled users login to the system by using a single-factor authentication method. I.e. it is only required to input a valid email address and password in order to log into the system.
TOTP (6-digit code): When enabled then it becomes possible to use 2FA authentication to log into the Enterprise. Apart from providing a valid email address and password, a user will be required to install the Google Authentication app and enter a 6-digit code as the 2nd step of authentication within the system. The user will have to enter a 6-digit code as the 2nd step of authentication each time s/he tries to log in.
WebAuth (PIV Key Cards): When enabled it becomes possible to use 2FA authentication to log into the Enterprise. Apart from providing a valid email address and password, a user will be required to register a security key or biometric authenticator (Windows Hello, Touch ID, etc.) which is provided to the user by the organization itself.
Possible edge cases:
If the user resets up a password, the first reset up flow is shown, then 2FA page with authentication should be shown
If the user uses SSO, first the system lets the user proceed with an SSO flow, then before a login shows a 2FA page with authentication
Redirection from the links/CTAs in the email or other links:
If a user was already logged in to the system and clicks the link -> s/he will be redirected to the certain page
If a user was logged out and clicks the link -> s/he will be redirected to the login page. After logging in s/he will be redirected to the 2FA page and after that to a certain page.
Hide Employee Analytics
Description: When enabled, employee analytics section will be hidden except for SuperAdmin.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Detailed description:
When the setting is enabled, only SuperAdmin will be able to see the analytics for that particular enterprise. For other user types, this very section will be hidden.
Hide "Add New Employee" for integration
Description: When enabled, "Add New Employee" and "Import" buttons for the Employees Module and "Create a new employee profile now" option for external candidates for job offers will be hidden from the UI (exclude SuperAdmins).
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Detailed description:
When enabled HR Department Admin + and above (except Super Admin) are not allowed to create or import new employees from the Employee Module.
When enabled HR Department Admin + and above (except Super Admin) are not allowed to create or import new employees from the Talent Acquisition Module for the cases when we’re hiring external candidates.
Employee Import User Permission Setting
Description: This setting allows to grant permission to import employees to certain user types. Pay attention that the Super Admin user type always has access to this functionality.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Detailed description: When a user is in edit mode of the setting s/he can view the checkbox selector
Owner & Admins (only for the enterprise(s) the user has access to)
Default value: ON
Functionality: Owner & Admins users (Multi-Admin, and Group Admin) are allowed to import employees to the enterprise(s) the user has access to. Once it's on the Import Employees option appears for the more actions dropdown for the Employees module and the user has access to all of the related functionality. When it's off the option is hidden.
HR Admin (only for the enterprise the user has access to)
Default value: Off
Functionality: HR Admin is allowed to import employees to the enterprise the user has access to. Once it's on the Import Employees option appears for the more actions dropdown for the Employees module and the user has access to all of the related functionality. When it's off the option is hidden.
NOTE: SuperAdmins should always have the possibility to import employees and it does not depend on the settings.
Enable Name Pronunciation Field for Employees Profiles
Description: When enabled, an additional field for capturing the pronunciation of employees' names will appear on each employee's profile. This feature is specifically designed to ensure accurate name pronunciation to promote clear communication within the organization.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Labor Market Intelligence
Description: When enabled, the Labor Market Intelligence module based on the LMI version chosen is shown to HR Department Admin+.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Labor Market Intelligence Tab
Default: Based on the value chosen during the enterprise creation
Detailed description:
Labor Market Intelligence Modules enable/disable (rank 1)
When the LMI module is disabled all of the other settings are not visible
The Labor Market Intelligence module setting gives the user an opportunity to choose the LMI version
LMI version 1.0
LMI version 2.0 (Rockset)
Once the user chooses LMI version 2.0 the setting called "Country Filter" for the LMI tab under advanced settings appears (rank 2 for LMI 2.0) view the description below
Once the user chooses LMI version 1.0
the setting called LMI Data Metrics Setting for the LMI tab under advanced settings appears (rank 2 for LMI 1.0) view the description below
the setting called LMI Country Support Setting for the LMI tab under advanced settings appears (rank 2 for LMI 1.0) view the description below
When enabled a new module called Labor Market Intelligence appears for the navigation menu.
The module consists of several tabs:
Labor Market Overview (shows data from the labor market)
Position Supply/Demand (this feature aims to give labor market insights into how a selected job's supply (individuals holding the job) and demand (job openings) trends in the labor market over time within the region)
Skill Supply/Demand (this feature provides insight into how a selected skill’s supply (in terms of individuals who possess that skill) and demand (in relation to job openings demanding that skill) trend in the labor market over time within a region)
Position Comparison (this feature provides the ability to create a career path template, which then can be assigned to employees)
User roles that are able to view this module: Super Admin, Multi-admin, Group admin, Owner, HR admin, HR Department Admin
Disabled: When disabled no new module appears for the navigation menu.
LMI Data Metrics Setting (Only when LMI Version 1.0 is ON for the enterprise)
Description: When LMI is enabled, the selected type of data metrics will be shown.
Default: Country Wide metrics on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Labor Market Intelligence Tab
Setting options:
For a more detailed description of the LMI module view Labor Market Intelligence Module setting
State-Wide Metrics (default) - Enables LMI to show data city-wide for a particular state of that country.
Country-Wide Metrics - Enables LMI to show state-wide data for a particular country. Timelines are shown for calculations done on Proximity Analysis for Statewide data.
City-Wide Metrics - Enables LMI to show data city-wide for a particular city of that country.
LMI Country Support Setting (Only when LMI Version 1.0 is ON for the enterprise)
Description: The setting allows the configuration of the country/province/city for which the Labour Market module data will show.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Default: the country/province/city that was chosen during the enterprise creation
Detailed description:
The setting itself is a dropdown selector that copies the logic of the LMI setting part during enterprise selection. Each of the dropdowns depends on the previous field and suggests only those values that match the previously selected value.
Country code (For the suggestions show all of the countries that are currently supported in the Labour Market module)
State or Province Code (the suggestions should be based on the previously selected country)
City (the suggestions should be based on the previously selected state or province)
The fields that appear for the settings directly depend on the LMI Data Metrics Setting.
Country Filter
Description: When enabled, only selected countries are available in Labor Market Intelligence. This only works if Rockset is enabled. The setting itself is a dropdown with the list of countries available within the system (currently there are 248 countries).
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Precondition: RocketLMI FF must be on.
Enabled: When enabled then the list countries are pre-filtered when the user is on the Labor Market Intelligence module and using its functionality. It’s required to use at least one country then the setting is enabled. In cases when the country for the enterprise instance is NOT selected in the filter, the default country will be the first alphabetical country.
Example of how the setting is working:
Disabled: When disabled the country selected in the "Country Code" drop-down during enterprise creation is displayed by default in the "Country" filter for all the LMI pages and fields when it’s required to filter data by location.
LMI Overview Data Setting
Description: The selected setting determines the period for the Workers Profile / Job Posted data in LMI Overview.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Employees Tab
Default Value - Weekly LMI Overview
Detailed description: The setting itself is a dropdown selector with the following options available
Yearly LMI Overview
Quarterly LMI Overview
Weekly LMI Overview
Based on the chosen value the time span for the information calculated within the cards should be collected 365 days/3 months (90 days) /7 days
When Weekly LMI Overview option is chosen
Then the card number and tooltip text should show the information collected for the week-
Title: Job Posted Collected This Week
Body: "The number of job openings identified in this region over the previous week"
Title: Worker Profiles Collected This Week
Body: "The number of worker profiles identified in this region over the previous week"
When Quarterly LMI Overview option is chosen
Then the card number and tooltip text should show the information collected for the last 3 months-
Title: Job Posted Collected This Quarter
Body: The number of job openings identified in this region over the previous 3 months.
Title: Worker Profiles Collected This Quarter
Body: The number of worker profiles identified in this region over the previous 3 months.
When Yearly LMI Overview option is chosen
Then the card number and tooltip text should show the information collected for the year-
Title: Job Posted Collected This Year
Body: The number of job openings identified in this region over the previous 12 months.
Title: Worker Profiles Collected This Year
Body: The number of worker profiles identified in this region over the previous 12 months.
Workforce Planning
Description: When enabled, the Workforce Planning module is shown to HR+.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Workforce Planning Tab
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled a new module called Workforce Planning appears for the navigation menu.
Target users: Super Admin, Multi-admin, Group admin, Owner, HR admin, HR Department Admin, -
Disabled: When disabled no new module appears for the navigation menu.
Training & Development/Skills Development
Description: When enabled, users will be able to access the Training module and also other tabs in this module (Training, Career Path, Career Blueprint, Course Catalog) are accessible. Career Blueprint creation from LMI Position comparison is also accessible.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled, users will be able to access the Training module and also other tabs in this module (Training, Mentorship, Career Path, Career Blueprint, Course Catalog, Skill Specialization) are accessible. Career Blueprint creation from LMI Position comparison is also accessible.
Training tab: As part of the Training & Development module, HR admins/Owners/Multi-admins can view and approve/reject any Courses previously assigned to Employees as training, as well as to assign new training.
Mentorship tab: The mentorship module was built to rapidly upskill new (and existing) employees to requirements by connecting them with internal 'mentors', minimizing time-to-productivity while boosting employee engagement.
Career Path tab: As part of the Training & Development Module, the HR Admins/employees can define career progression for employees/themselves within an organization based on their current job title. Through this, the users can see the 'Shared Skills', 'Partial Skills', and 'Skills to Train' to make a transition from Position A to B. Based on the skill gap, relevant training can be assigned to employees in order for them to make that transition.
Course Catalog tab: As part of the Training & Development module, individual Courses can be added to the Course Catalog and be assigned to employees.
Career Blueprints tab: As part of the Training & Development module, Career Blueprints allows the user to create a Career Path template which contains a curated training curriculum that can be later applied to one or more Employees at once.
Team Training Tab: As part of the Training & Development module, Team Training allows the user to pick the recommended training/courses for his/her team.
Skill Specialization tab: As part of the Training & Development module, Skill Specialization allows users to prioritize and manage skill development to build a certain discipline. These disciplines are groups of skills. They represent an accumulation of multiple skills that one must work through to be truly competent in a specialization
Disabled: When disabled no new module appears for the navigation menu.
(Training) Course Review and Comments Option
Description: Course reviews and comments will be displayed based on the selected option.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Default: Show course review comments for all users on enterprise creation
Visibility: Is not visible when the Training & Development Module setting is disabled
Setting options:
Allow Super Admins to configure and help enterprises hide offensive comments from the user’s view. When enabled. Based on the option particular type of users should not see the review column for training courses.
Available options
Show course review comments for all HRAdmin+ => Only HRAdmin+ users can view course review comments
Show course review comments for all Manager+ => Only Manager+ users can view course review comments
Show course review comments for SuperAdmin only => Only Super Admin users can view course review comments
Hide all course reviews and comments => No course reviews and comments are visible for any user type
Hide the entire Completed Employees section:
Within each training course detailed view there is a section called Completed Employees. The section shows the list of employees from a particular enterprise who has completed the training. (Steps to Reproduce: Training & Development module > Course Catalog tab > Click on any course within the training courses list.
When Hide the entire Completed Employees section option is chosen then the section is completely hidden for all of the users.
(Training) Workflow of Training Approval
Description: Select one option only for the training approval. Allows worker to take the new training with or without approval from Managers or HRs. When Integration/Recommendation mode turned on, no approval will be required and courses will redirect to external URL for status updates.
Default: Require Approval for all Training on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Visibility: Is not visible when the Training & Development Module setting is disabled
Setting options:
Available settings options:
Require Approval for All Trainings
When a worker requests new training, it should be approved or rejected by Manages or HRs. -
No Approval Required all Training
When a worker requests new training, it goes without approval from Manages or HRs.All HR-approval pending training will be auto-approved.
No Approval Required for Free Trainings
When a worker requests for new free training, it goes without approval from Manages or HRs.All HR-approval pending free training will be auto-approved.
No Approval Needed for Free and Subscription Required Courses
When this setting is chosen, subscription courses don't need any request. This very option may be used for cases when, for example, an employee was assigned to take external courses i.e. Pluralsight, the course appears as “Free”, but upon clicking on it, the user finds it’s only a free trial and they need to enter their credit card info to enroll in the course.
Requests for training courses approval are sent to Training&Development Module => Trainings tab => Requests
Several options are available to HR Admin+ users within each request:
Integration/Recommendation Mode (to be determined )
Detailed description of the changes caused by switching to the Integration/Recommendation Mode
When Integration/Recommendation Mode is selected:
Employee View
Training > Find Training
Title changed from "New Training Request" to "Find Training"
CTA button will be changed to "View" for the T&D module > training tab for worker view
Training Detail Page
for actions button the only option available is “View Course”
Profile > Match To Position > Find Training
Suggested Training Program View the user views the Recommend Training CTA
Course Catalog
3 dotted menu for any course shows the “Recommend training” option
Skill Specializations
Specialization Detail > Learning Activities > Start Training is changed to View Training
Team Training
Table to change "Request/Start" to "View"
Career Path (TBD)
For all of the changes described above new general rules are applied
on click of a button, redirect training to the training URL in a new tab
The status of the training doesn’t change as no training is started/requested in this mode. This is intended so that Workers in employee view will go to the actual course website and register.
if no URL is detected, the user is just redirected to the course detail page
Training Cards changes
Status: Ongoing for Employee/Manager view
View Course button
Course started date
Status: Completed for Employee/Manager view
Course completion date
Status: Rejected By Employee for Employee/Manager view
"Recommended by X (date)" indicator for the card under "Archived tab"
Status: Waiting For Employee for Employee View
"Recommended by X (date)"
"Reject" button instead of "cancel"
On click, will cancel the request, and change the training status to "Rejected by employee"
"View Course" buttons
Status: Waiting For Employee for Manager View
"Recommended by X (date)"
"Cancel Recommendation" button instead of "Cancel"
On click, will cancel the request, change training status to "Rejected by employee"
Manager View
Training & Development > Training
"Assign New Training" => "Recommend Training"
On Request/Active/Archived tables
All 3 dotted menus are removed from the tables
Assign New Training Flow
Title "New Training" => "Recommend Training"
Step 2 > Select Course
"Assign" => "Recommend"
On click of Recommend, courses will be assigned to users under the status Waiting for Employee (see above point training statuses)
'Employees > select Employee > Training & Development
Actions menu > Assign Training change => "Recommend Training"
Find Training => "Recommend Training"
Employees > Select Employee > Profile > Match To Position > Find Training
Should be shown with the Suggested Training Program View
For the matched training, show "Recommend Training" button
on click of button, buttons would change to "Cancel Recommendation"
Training will be change to "Waiting for employee" status
Employees > select Employee > Skill Specialization > Detail view > Learning Activities
3 dot menu > Start Training change to "View Training"
Team Training
Table View > 3 dot > Assign Training change to Recommend Training (same process as above recommend flow)
Course Catalog
3 dot menu: "Assign Training" change to "Recommend Training"
(Training) External Training Providers
Description: Show training from external training providers in the Training & Development module and in Career Paths.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Visibility: Is not visible when the Training & Development Module setting is disabled
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled a new tab called Course Providers under Enterprise Settings appears (visible for Owner+ users). The tab lets the Owner+ user decide on training courses from which Course Providers will be visible for other users under the Training&Development module > Course Catalog tab and Training&Development module > Career Path > Build a new career path flow.
(Training) Team Training Tab
Description: Show the ‘Team Training' tab in the 'Training & Development' module and Shows the Team Training tab in an employee’s profile.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Visibility: Is not visible when the Training & Development Module setting is disabled
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled, then the setting allows Managers to pick and assign the recommended courses/training for their team. Though Team Training is not mandatory, it’s a great opportunity to share the list of training that will cover the Core Skills defined for the team.
When enabled a new tab for the Training&Development module called “Team Training” appears for the manager view as well as for the worker view.
Disabled: When disabled no new tab appears either for Managerial or for worker view.
(Training) Auto-add skills trained after training completion
Description: When enabled, automatically add the skills and course proficiency to employee's self-assessment profile when completion of course is triggered. This will affect both the UI and the API. If "Require Profile Approval" setting is enabled, a request to add the skills will be automatically sent.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Detailed description:
When the setting is enabled, skills will be automatically added to the user's skills profile with the pre-defined proficiency rating for each skill
if the user already has the skills and it is equal or higher in level, the skill proficiency level for a particular skill is not changed, the course is added as part of skills training evidence.
if this is done via API, then completing the course will also mark this course as completed
UI changes: For training completion, modal window skills selection area will is hidden but the user will be prompted to enter the certificate number and rate the course
When disabled the training completion flow works as usual
(Mentorship) Mentorship Tab
Description: Show the Mentorship tab in the ‘Training & Development' module and Shows the Mentorship tab in an employee’s profile.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Visibility: Is not visible when the Training & Development Module setting is disabled
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled, then the mentorship tab appears for Training & Development Module for the Manager view
The mentorship tab appears for Training & Development Module for the Employee view
Disabled: The Mentorship tab does not appear either for Manager to Employee views.
(Skill Specialization) Enable Skill Specialization Module
Description: When enabled, Skill Specializations feature will be available for all users.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Visibility: Is not visible when the Training & Development Module setting is disabled
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled then a new sub-module called Skill Specialization appears for Training & Development module for both Manager and Employee views.
For the employee view Skill Specialization module exist separately from Training & Development Module.
The module itself exists for prioritizing and managing skill development to build certain "disciplines". These disciplines are groups of skills. They represent an accumulation of multiple skills that must work together to be truly competent in a "specialization".
(Skill Specialization) Manager Permission Settings
Description: When enabled, the Manager user type will have the following permissions in Skill Specializations.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Visibility: Is not visible when the Training & Development Module setting is disabled
Default setting configuration:
The setting exists for controlling the skill specialization CRUD activities (create, read, update, delete) for Manager type users. Manager permissions to Skill Specializations should work based on the Manager Permission Settings.
(Skill Specialization) HR Admin Permission Settings
Description: When enabled, HR Admin user type will have the following permissions in Skill Specializations.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Visibility: Is not visible when the Training & Development Module setting is disabled
Default setting configuration:
The setting exists for controlling the skill specialization CRUD activities (create, read, update, delete) for HR Admin and HR Department Admin type users. HR Admin/HR Department Admin permissions to Skill Specializations should work based on the HR Admin Permission Settings.
(Course Catalog) Disable Course Catalog Edit Settings on UI
Description: When enabled, only Owner+ will be allowed to add new course, import, edit and delete courses on UI. This does not affect API on UI.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Detailed description: When enabled, the following functions for everyone below and below HR Admin +
"Add new course" in the course catalog under T&D Module is hidden
“More actions” button for the course catalog is hidden
In the Course Catalog table, 3 dotted menu
The "edit" option is hidden
The "delete" option is hidden
In the course details page > action menu, the “Delete” option is hidden
The edit option is hidden for the training courses assigned as Team Training
(Course Catalog) Course Catalog View
Description: When enabled, Course Catalog will be visible on the view setting. When Manager View is disabled, only Owner+ will receive access to the Course Catalog.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Default: Manager view and employee view are enabled on the Enterprise creation
Detailed description: The setting comprises two checkboxes.
Toggle Options:
Manager View
If Disabled, Course Catalog from Training & Development for all users except Owner+ users is hidden. Owner+ will remain with the same visibility and functions.
Employee View
If Disabled, Course Catalog from Employee View is hidden
(Course Catalog) Hide Course Level Section/Filter on UI
Description: When enabled, the Course Level filter and field/icon will be hidden from all the views.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Enterprise Structure Tab
Default: Disabled on Enterprise Creation
Detailed description:
When enabled the courses' level information and filters will be hidden from the users of the enterprise.
(Career Path) Career Path
Description: When enabled, Career Path Module will be available to all users.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Training and Development Tab
Default: Manager view and employee view are enabled on the Enterprise creation
Detailed Description + places to be affected by the setting across the whole enterprise:
when disabled:
Employee View:
Career Path from the left navigation menu is hidden
Job Opportunities module > "Build Career Path" three dots option for applications/internal matches/external matches/bookmarks tabs is hidden
Manager View:
Hide Training & Development > Career Path
Employees module > click on any employee profile > job opportunity > "Build Career Path" three dots option for applications/internal matches/external matches/Bookmarked Jobs tabs is hidden
Employees module > click on any employee profile > career path module is hidden
T&D module > Career Blueprints > Three dots within a career blueprint > assign career path option is hidden
T&D module > Career Blueprints > click on any career blueprint > Actions button > assign career path option is hidden
Talent Acquisition/Matching
Description: When enabled, the Talent Acquisition module is shown to Managers+.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Talent Acquisition Tab
Setting options:
Standard Mode
Enabled: When Enabled a new module called “Talent Acquisition” appears for the navigation menu. This module is used for adding, editing, and publishing job offers for internal as well as external candidates.
Target users: HR Department Admin, HR Admin, Owner, Group Admin, Multi Admin
Disabled: When disabled no new module appears for the navigation menu.Talent Matching module
Integration Mode
Enabled: When enabled, Recruiter role will be active. Talent Acquisition module is shown to Manager+ and recruiter.
External Matches
Description: When enabled, external candidates are shown on the Matches tab.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Talent Acquisition Tab
Visibility: Is not visible when the Talent Acquisition Module setting is disabled
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled, then a new tab called External Matches appears for the Job Opportunities module both for the worker profile view and for the Employees module for the manager view.
Disabled: When disabled, then no External Matches tab appears for the Job Opportunities module both for the worker profile view and for the Employees module for the manager view.
Internal Matches and Job Opportunities
Description: When enabled, internal employees are shown on Matches tab. Also, Job Opportunites tab is shown to Workers.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Talent Acquisition Tab
Visibility: Is not visible when the Talent Acquisition Module setting is disabled
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled, then a new module called “Job Opportunities” appears for the worker profile view. The job Opportunities tab is available for visualizing applications the user has submitted. Together with new module tabs called Internal Matches, Applications, and Bookmarked jobs appear.
Internal Matches: This tab displays all Jobs posted by the organization which the Employee may qualify for.
Applications: This tab displays any Job Applications the Employee has submitted to date.
Bookmarked Jobs: This tab displayed the Jobs the user wants to keep track of and maybe apply to in the future.
Within the Employees module for the manager view, a Job Opportunities tab altogether with Applications and Internal matches sub-tabs (Bookmarked Jobs are not available for managers to view) is available for an Active Employee record.
Disabled: When disabled, then no “Job Opportunity” module appears for the worker profile view as well as for the Employees module within the manager view.
Adding Jobs from UI
Description: When Disabled, Add New Job button and Import Job in More Actions menu will both be Disabled and not clickable.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Talent Acquisition Tab
Visibility: Is not visible when the Talent Acquisition Module setting is disabled
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled, then the user can create and import new jobs without any restrictions.
Disabled: When Disabled, then the Add New Job button for the Talent Acquisition module will be disabled (greyed out)
As well as Import Jobs button via More Actions Options is also disabled.
Hide Edit Functions for TA Module
Description: When enabled, TA features such as Edit, Change status, Duplicate, and Delete will be hidden for all users except Owner+. This is used for instances that have integration and prevent users from making accidental changes.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Talent Acquisition Tab
Visibility: Is not visible when the Talent Acquisition Module setting is disabled
Setting options:
Some organizations are using other software to post internal jobs. They would like to keep the SkyHive interface as a read-only interface to avoid confusing their recruiter and adding jobs from Skyhive UI.
Enabled: When enabled, then the following UI elements/functions in Talent Acquisition (Manager view) for all users except for Owner+ role
Edit any job
Change statuses of any job
Create a duplicate of any job
Blocklist candidates
Areas Affected
Talent Acquisition > Jobs list view
Talent Acquisition > Jobs detail view
Matches/candidates/hired/rejected tabs within a particular job
Draft Positions should not have a link
Disabled: When disabled, then no restrictions are applier to the places mentioned above.
Allow Non-Skyhive URL in Jobs
Description: When Enabled, an external URL may be attached to the job.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Talent Acquisition Tab
Visibility: Is not visible when the Talent Acquisition Module setting is disabled
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled, then during a process of a new job creation the new two fields called Company name and External Link appears. If the user chooses External for the Job Source option then Company name and External Link become required and a new job cannot be created without filling in those fields.
After the creation of a new job External Job link and Company name are shown on the UI.
Disabled: When disabled, then the fields External link field and Company name do not exist:
for the job edit/creation mode
on the job view mode
Enable Description Generator (For now work only for the English language)
Description: When enabled user will see recommended descriptions generated thru ML services for Jobs to be published and Positions created.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Talent Acquisition Tab
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled, then the user is able to view a new option called Generate Job Description for a new job creation flow for the Talent Acquisition module as well as for a new Position creation flow under the Enterprise Structure Module.
The option is hidden if it is the Enterprise with any other language than English.
The User can click the link and view the recommended description. The user is able to copy the recommended description and add it to the Job description text box. The user can also edit the text box after the recommended description is added to the description box.
Disabled: When disabled, then the user is not able to view a new option called Generate Job Description for a new job creation flow for the Talent Acquisition module as well as for a new Position creation flow under the Enterprise Structure Module.
Redirect Apply Button to External URL
Description: When enabled, the Apply Button in the modal popup will redirect the user to the external URL link in a new tab, and the SP Link URL will be hidden. If the link doesn’t exist, the Apply button will be disabled (greyed out). Please note, you must enable Allow Non-Skyhive URL in the Jobs setting for this to work.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Talent Acquisition Tab
Visibility: Is not visible when the Talent Acquisition Module setting is disabled
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled, then when an employee who matches the job clicks the apply button then the apply button leads to a new window with an external URL - a new tab is opened and redirected to this external job posting URL.
1) A job with the External link should be created (view Allow Non-Skyhive URL in Jobs setting)
2) The employee should match the previously created job;
3) The Employee logged to the system > goes to the Job Opportunity module > Internal Matches tab > Three dots menu of the previously created and matched job > Clicks the Apply button.If there was no external URL provided during the job creation process - Apply Button is greyed out.
Disabled: When disabled, after clicking on the apply button user will not be redirected to this external job posting URL.
Candidate Statuses
Description: When disabled, all statuses for Candidates and details inside the TA module will be hidden from display.
Default: Enabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Talent Acquisition Tab
Setting options:
Disabled: When disabled, then the status column will be hidden from the view for the TA module > Candidates tab under a published job
Enabled: When enabled, a user is able to view a status column for the TA module > Candidates tab under a published job.
This a small reminder about the statuses workflow within the Talent Acquisition module
1. When an employee match is invited for a position, that employee moves to 'Candidates' Tab under Talent Acquisition. The Candidates View is as follows:
2. Employee's View of the Job Invitation is as below, when the candidate selected 'Interested' for an invitation
The status of the candidate now changes to 'Interviewing'
The HR has the option to change the status to 'Interview Passed' or 'Reject' the Candidate. The status changes accordingly.
Rejected by HR: When HR rejects a candidate
Rejected by Candidate: Candidates who withdraw the application or Reject a Job Invitation
After the candidate passes the interview, the HR can Hire or Reject the passed candidate. When the HR hires the candidate, the HR is presented with an option to update the profile of the candidate.
Hiring Manager Permissions
Description: When enabled, a designated Hiring Manager will have the following permissions in TA > My Jobs. Please note, that "View" permission is required for other permissions to work properly.
Default: On enterprise creation
View Job => default: ON
Edit Job => default: ON
Delete Job => default: ON
Assign Users => default: ON
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Talent Acquisition Tab
Detailed description: The permissions for the Hiring Manager to the job are defined within the setting.
When you create a new job and if you don't specify the Hiring Manager, on the creation of the job, you will be designated as the Hiring Manager.
You can designate Hiring Manager to any user type that has access to the Talent Acquisition tab. (meaning Manager+)
If you are tagged as the Hiring Manager and, when you are in the My Jobs tab (the tab where all the jobs to which the user was assigned as a Hiring manager can be seen), you will have access to the job accordingly to the permission in the advanced setting irregardless of your user type
(eg. You are a Manager and you're designated as a Hiring manager with permission, then you'll have access to whichever permission has been set for the Recruiter in the advanced setting) -
Hiring Manager and Recruiter cannot be the same person.
Recruiter Permissions
Description: When enabled, a designated Recruiter will have the following permissions in TA > My Jobs. Please note, that "View" permission is required for other permissions to work properly.
Default: On enterprise creation
View Job => default: ON
Edit Job => default: ON
Delete Job => default: OFF
Assign Users => default: OFF
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Talent Acquisition Tab
Setting options:
Detailed description: The permissions for the Recruiter to the job are defined within the setting.
When you create a new job and if you don't specify the Recruiter, on the creation of the job, the recruiter field will be left empty.
You can designate Recruiter to any user type that has access to the Talent Acquisition tab. (meaning Manager+)
If you are tagged as the Recruiter and, when you are in the My Jobs tab (the tab where all the jobs to which the user was assigned as a Hiring manager can be seen), you will have access to the job accordingly to the permission in the advanced setting irregardless of your user type
(eg. You are a Manager and you're designated as a Recruiter with permission, then you'll have access to whichever permission has been set for the Recruiter in the advanced setting) -
Hiring Manager and Recruiter cannot be the same person.
Skill Blueprints
Skill Blueprints Module
Description: When enabled, Skill Blueprints module is shown to HR+.
Default: Enabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Skill Blueprint Tab
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled then a new module called “Skill Blueprint” appears in the navigation menu. The module is used for skill "blueprints" creation which consists of a set of skills and then you can search across your organization for people possessing those skills.
User roles affected: Super Admin, HR Admin, HR Department Admin, Owner, Multi-admin, Group Admin.
Under the Skill Blueprint Module, the following Tabs are available:
Blueprint Selection: On this tab, the user can select a previously defined skill blueprint and view/edit skills associated with it OR create a NEW skill blueprint.
Skill Set Comparison: This module is used to help find employees that match an already created skill blueprint
Skill Blueprints: On this tab, the user can create a NEW skill blueprint.
Skill Community: This module is used for helping to validate the skills of employees within the organization by so-called experts. The module exists for providing an unbiased evaluation of skills assessments.
Disabled: When disabled Skill Blueprint module does not exist for the navigation menu.
Skill Community Module
Description: When enabled, Skill Community module will be available.
Additional Description: Within many organizations, they rely on experts within the team to help validate assessments of their colleagues. These experts are often relied on to form unbiased evaluations of skills assessments.
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Skill Blueprint Tab
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled, then a new sub-module called “Skill Community” for Skill Blueprint Module appears.
User Roles affected: HR Department Admin+
Skills community can be created with flexibility in mind and be adjusted to the needs of a specific group. User who have the permission to view the module can create/edit/delete/archive skill communities. They also can assign employees and experts.
There are 2 types of users exist within a Skill Community
Assigned Employees: Those whose skills are going to be assessed by experts.
Experts: Those who are responsible for unbiased skill evaluation within the sphere of knowledge in which they have expertise.
Apart from a new module for the Manager View those who were assigned as expert to a particular skill community will be able to view a new module for the navigation menu specifically for the worker view.
There experts have the possibility to evaluate colleagues.
Expert skill evaluation can override the managerial one and influence skill match.
Disabled: When disabled, then no new module is available for Manager and Worker views.
Description: When enabled, Projects module is shown to Managers+.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Projects Tab
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled then a new module called “Projects” appears in the navigation menu. The module is used for tracking all the project activities withing the organization and finding necessary participants according to their skills.
Users affected: Manage+ users can see and work with projects
Disabled: When disabled Projects module does not exist for the navigation menu.
EnterpriseStructure/Talent Architecture
Hide Talent Architecture for HR Department Admin
Description: When enabled, Talent Architecture will not be accessible for usertype HR Department Admin.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Enterprise Structure Tab
Job Definition Type
Description: When enabled, only SuperAdmins can Add/Edit/Delete/Archive/Import in Positions Job Definitions
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Enterprise Structure Tab
Detailed description:
When a user creates a new job definition type a user can fill in the following fields
Job Definition Type Name
A unique name to reference the JD Type
Text field supporting up to 150 characters
this will become a selectable type in future Job Definition create/edit view
Required field
Type ID
A unique ID used to reference this Type via integration/web service
Required field
Text field supporting up to 150 characters
Note: This will allow admins/implementers to leave notes about why this type was created and what it is for.
Optional field
Type Configurations parameters
Available as employee positions on the Enterprise UI
Toggle On/Off
when enabled:
Indicates that this job definition can be associated with employees to drive their position comparison experience
All job definitions are available in LMI, WFP, and Career Paths modules
Cannot be unselected if the job definition using this type has an employee<>job definition relationship
Job Definitions parameters that have an impact on the UI
Job Code
Toggle On/Off
when enabled, the JD Item edit/view will have a job code input/section
Description Section
Toggle On/Off
when enabled, the JD Item edit/view will have a description input/section
Skills Section
Toggle On/Off
when enabled, the JD Item edit/view will have a skills input/section
Labor Market Title Input
Toggle On/Off
when enabled, the JD Item edit/view will have a Labor Market Title input/section
Alternate Name
Toggle On/Off
when enabled, the JD Item edit/view will have an Alternate Name input/section
Children/Parent Relation parameters for Job Definitions
Allow Parent JD Item
Toggle On/Off
when enabled, an additional dropdown selector will appear to show the allowable parent JD Type
this will also affect the JD edit flow where the user can select only the allowed type for the parent
this selector only shows available JD types (cannot be itself and this field is required)
the toggle is available only when multiple job definition types exist
Allow Children to JD Item
Toggle On/Off
when enabled, an additional dropdown selector will appear to show the allowable child JD Type
this will also affect the JD edit flow where the user can select only the allowed type for the children
this selector should only show available JD types (cannot be itself and this field is required)
the toggle is available only when multiple job definition types exist
Active / Inactive toggle on the settings view
Boolean, selectable toggle
Default-type radio buttons (singular)
Indicates which Type will default for all 'Job definitions' currently created and future job definitions
when users have multiple types, they can set another type as the default
only 1 default type allowed
default type cannot be Inactive
If I edit a type and it has at least 1 JD item created, it should warn me if I want to continue saving and applying the changes to the [number] of existing JD items.
The delete option can only be selected if there is no job definition of the type
I can see the count of job definitions currently using this type
If I edit the name of a type in use, the name change will be effective immediately and be visible throughout the application to users
If I inactive a 'type'
The User must select a replacement type, all job definitions are immediately updated with the new type and the change is visible to users or they can see a Cancel button to return to the previous.
There must always be at least one active type
If a user tries to inactivate the last active type "Cannot be disabled because this is the only active job definition type."
Disable Positions Edit Settings on UI
Description: When enabled, only SuperAdmins can Add/Edit/Delete/Archive/Import in Positions Job Definitions
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Enterprise Structure Tab
Default: Disabled on Enterprise Creation
Detailed description: When enabled, the following elements are hidden for the Enterprise Structure Module > Positions/Job Definitions tab
Active Tab
The "Add New Position" button is hidden
Actions button> Import Position option is hidden
Table > 3 dot menu
Edit is hidden
Create Duplicate is hidden
Archive is hidden
Positions Detail view > Action Button
Edit is hidden
Create Duplicate is hidden
Archive is hidden
the bulk select Action button is hidden
Archived Tab
Add New Position is hidden
Table > 3 dot menu
Edit is hidden
Re-activate is hidden
Delete is hidden
Positions Detail view > Action Button
Edit is hidden
Move to Active Position is hidden
Delete is hidden
the bulk select Action button is hidden
Draft Tab
Add New Position is hidden
Table > 3 dot menu
Edit is hidden
Create Duplicate is hidden
Activate is hidden
Delete is hidden
The detail view is disabled (no link to the detail draft view)
the bulk select Action button is hidden
Disable Department Edit Settings on UI
Description: When enabled, only SuperAdmins can Add/Edit/Activate/Import in Departments. Dragging of departments will also be disabled.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Enterprise Structure Tab
Default: Disabled on Enterprise Creation
Detailed description: When enabled, the following elements are hidden for the enterprise structure module > Departments Tab
Edit is hidden
Add New Department is hidden
More Actions is hidden
Drag and drop for departments is hidden
Disable Offices Edit Settings on UI
Description: When enabled, only SuperAdmins can Add/Edit/Delete/Import/Archive in Offices.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Enterprise Structure Tab
Default: Disabled on Enterprise creation
Detailed description: When enabled, the following elements are hidden for the enterprise structure module > Offices Tab.
Active Tab
Add New Office is hidden
More Actions are hidden
3 dot menu from the table is hidden
Archived Tab
Add New Office is hidden
More Actions is hidden
3 dot menu from the table is hidden
Hide Enterprise Structure for HR Department Admin
Description: When enabled, Enterprise Structure will not be accessible for usertype HR Department Admin.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Enterprise Structure Tab
Default: Disabled on Enterprise Creation
Detailed description:
When enabled then the entire Enterprise Structure module is hidden from the HR Department Admin user type. Pages that may possibly bring users to these modules are also blocked.
Places affected:
Update this Position to the Position list for a Talent Acquisition Module is hidden
Steps to reproduce: create a job with a name similar to any of the positions within the positions list under the enterprise structure. For the 1st step of a job creation flow input the information which is different to currently existing position details. Then for the 3rd step, the system suggests a user update a position list. -
Add to Positions button for the Match to Position page under the user's profile is hidden
Dashboard module > Enterprise Structure card is hidden
Employees module > Any employee who has a position defined within the enterprise structure assigned to him > the link to a position is disabled
Description: Enables the user to view the Analytical Tab which shows the different Analytical reports of the enterprise data.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Analytics Tab
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled then a new module called “Analytics” appears.
User roles affected: Super Admin, HR admin, HR Department Admin, Owner, Multi-admin, Group Admin.
Under Analytics Module the following Tabs are available:
Enterprise Analytics: the Enterprise Statistics tab aims to show metrics for a particular enterprise.
Activity Analytics: the average among all employees of the individual worker's activity score
Skills Passport Analytics (going to be removed)
Disabled: When disabled Analytics module does not exist for the navigation menu.
Platform-Level Lock
Platform-Level Lock
Description: When enabled, only user type with SuperAdmin can "Add New Employees".
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > Platform-Level Lock Tab
Default: Enabled on enterprise creation
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled only Super Admin users are allowed to add employees. To add an employee the user should go to the Employees module.
Disabled: When disabled then all user roles except Worker, Analyst, and Manager can add new employees.
SSO Settings
SSO is a technology that combines several different application login screens into one. With SSO, a user only has to enter their login credentials (username, password, etc.) one time on a single page to access all of their SaaS applications.
Allow SSO Profile Creation
Description: This setting enables the SSO login for the enterprise.
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > SSO Settings Tab
Default: Disabled on enterprise creation
Setting options:
Enabled: When enabled then users are allowed to create an SSO Profile and then login to the system via SSO login
SSO Organization Name
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > SSO Settings Tab
Default: the name of the enterprise
Description: The SSO Organization name is a unique identifier for the organization. When the user from a particular organization will log in as an SSO user then they’ll land on the enterprise with the name defined within this setting.
SSO Connection Name
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > SSO Settings Tab
Default: —
Description: The SSO Connection Name defines a sub SSO organization within another SSO organization. For better understanding we to draw an analogy with such fields as Enterprise Group and Enterprise Name.
Default SSO User Type
Location: Available for super admin user under Advanced Enterprise Settings > SSO Settings Tab
Default: Worker option on enterprise creation
Detailed Description:
The setting defines what user-type profiles will be created by default when a new SSO profile was created.
Available options:
Worker: Can only view and edit their own profile, including job matches and career development.
Manager: Can only view and edit their own profile and their direct reports, including job matches and career development.
HR Administrator: Has full control over the user's department within the Enterprise. Cannot view or edit Enterprise Settings.
Owner: Has full control over a single Enterprise. Can view and edit Enterprise Settings.
Custom Mapping Option
Custom Mapping option: Custom mapping allows you to dynamically assign users with a particular role to your SSO Organization. The role assignment is based on the following fields:
Source Field - Defines the source which should define the role assigned to the user. There are several options: Group; Departement; Job Title; Email.
Value input field - Within this very field user should provide value that the source is chosen which the source field dropdown could have.
Example: Users with such value defined for the source field will be added to your SSO Organization with a particular user role.
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