Manager Dashboard

The Manager Dashboard provides a default page for Manager user types to view important statistics about their team. This includes the number of direct reports the manager is responsible for, the number of ongoing training currently assigned to their team, and the number of active career paths of their team members. These statistics are clickable, allowing managers to access more detailed information quickly.

For managers without direct reports assigned, the dashboard will display an empty state with a message indicating no report data to display. 

Team Employees

  • Number of direct reports the manager is responsible for
  • Once clicked, the manager will be directed to the Employee > My Team tab

On-Going Trainings 

  • Number of ongoing pieces of training currently assigned to the manager's direct reports
  • Once clicked, the manager will be redirected to the Training & Development > Training tab 

Active Career Path 

  • Number of active career paths of the manager's direct reports 
  • Once clicked, the manager will be redirected to the Career Path module

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Average Skill Per Employee 

  • The average number of skills per manager's direct report with the highest and lowest points

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Top 5 Ongoing Career Paths 

  • The most popular career paths chosen by employees (Career Path V2)

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Top 5 Positions with Largest Skill Gap

  • Highlights the difference between the skills required for a given position and the average skill gap possessed by your employees.
  • The section is adjusted based on the chosen type of assessment 


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Average Skill Gap by Skill Type  

  • The average skill gap for all employees assigned to a given enterprise position is broken down by technical, functional, and soft skills. 

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Note: For managers without direct reports assigned yet, the dashboard will display an empty state with a message indicating no report data to display. Additionally, if any of the cards for the dashboard are empty, an empty state will be shown for that card.



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