User types of managers above can view the updated Career Path Explorer interface while receiving insights on their employees.
Overview Tab
Month range selector (select year and month only)
New Career Paths started
- Displays career paths that began within the selected time range.
- Displays the percentage difference between the last compared period.
- Click on the number to show the filtered list.
Completed Career Path
- Displays career paths that have been completed within the selected time range.
- Displays the percentage difference between the last compared period.
- Click on the number to show the filtered list.
Canceled Career path
- Displays career paths that canceled within the selected time range.
- Displays the percentage difference between the last compared period.
- Click on the number to show the filtered list.
Average skills trained per employee
- When an employee begins a career path, the number of skills they need to learn is tracked. Once they finish, this number will be used to calculate the average number of skills acquired by employees who completed their career paths.
Average completion time
- This calculates the average time duration for employees from starting to completing their career paths while displaying the percentage difference between the last compared period.
Top 5 popular career paths
- Displays the top 5 most popular career paths for employees.
- Click on any number to show the filtered list.
Ongoing Tab
- Allows you to search for an employee name and career path
Displays an updated table view of individual career paths, which includes:
- Employee name
- Career path selected
- Skill match to the career path
- View detail (which displays further insights)
Selecting the three-dot-menu to the far right will display the following options:
- Assign Mentorship
- Change Status to Completed
- Change Status to Cannceled
Archived Tab
- Allows you to search for an employee name and career path
Displays an updated table view of individual career paths, which includes:
- Employee name
- Career path selected
- Status
- Date archived
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