Employee Dashboard


Once your profile has been completed, you can see your employee dashboard. 

Personalized Welcome Message: The dashboard greets you by your first name.

Employee Information: You can quickly view their position title and office location, ensuring you have easy access to their key employment details.

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Skill Overview

The Skills Overview section provides employees with valuable insights into their skills, including the count of self-assessed skills, managerially assessed skills, and skills that match your current position.

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What's Next?

The "What's Next" section adapts to the user's enabled modules, providing quick links to continue refining your profile, explore career paths (when the Career Path module is enabled), and view internal job opportunities (when the Job Opportunity module is enabled).

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Skill Trends

You can now view skill trends based on your position and area, with up to five skills displayed per skill type. This information helps you stay informed about the most relevant skills in your field.

These skills are broken into the following three categories: 

  • Technical
  • Functional
  • Soft

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Note: We won't show a skill trend in the table if a skill trend doesn't exist.

Selecting the three-dot menu next to the skill will offer the following actions:

  • Find Training: Matches your training courses where you can gain the skill
  • Find Mentor: Matches you a mentor to pass along knowledge of the skill
  • Add to Profile: Allows you to add this skill to your profile if it has been missed

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