How do I reset my password? 

There are a few methods to reset your password. 

Method 1: Visit the https://enterprise.skyhive.io login screen and select “Forgot Password?” at the bottom. Enter your email and then select Submit. 


Method 2: From within your Profile, select the Settings option followed by the Request Password Reset option under the Password Reset section. 




How do I re-upload my resume? 


Who can see my profile? 

Your profile is only visible to yourself, your direct manager and administrators. It is not visible to anyone else under 'Worker' type. 


Are there definitions available for each skill?

Yes! Under the Skills section of your Profile, you can view the definition of each skill by clicking on it.  



How do I go back to edit my skills? 

Step 1: If you want to remove a skill, add a new skill or adjust the proficiency level, click on the Edit icon to the far right of the Skills section. 


Step 2: You can add, remove or edit your skills. 




How many skills should I add to my profile? 

We recommend an average of 30-40, which ensures your skills profile is complete and SkyHive can better match you with opportunities. You are welcome to add more skills than this average, but skills must remain relevant to your past or current experience.


How do I edit my Working Experience, Education or Credentials?

Step 1: Next to any sections from within the profile, select the blue Edit button. 


Step 2: From here, you could make the appropriate edits, add any information or even remove it. To Save, select the Save & Continue button at the bottom of the section. 




What happens after I’ve completed building my profile? 

Your Direct Manager or Lead may decide to complete a Skill Mapping Exercise to validate your skills. If available in your Enterprise, you will also be able to explore additional modules to explore potential career opportunities, identify hidden and adjacent skills, and skill gaps to your desired career, and create personalized learning pathways to bridge skill gaps.


Do you store my resume after I upload it?

We delete user resumes as soon as we're done processing. This is done to protect our users.


Who do I contact for Support?

Email support@skyhive.io or click on the Need Help? icon at the top-right corner of your screen, then Submit a request in the top-right corner of the Help Center.

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