Edit My Profile Settings and General Information

Editing Profile Settings

Step 1:
Select the Profile Settings icon to edit or modify your profile settings


Step 2: Edit General Settings to set your Menu Behavior as Always Expand, Always Collapse or Last Used. 



Step 3: Job Preferences: Edit your Relocation & Remote Work Job Preferences by selecting the blue Edit button to the far right. 
Step 4: Under Remote Work, from the dropdown menu, you can select 

  • Willing to Work Remotely

  • Not willing to Work Remotely

  • No Preference to Work Remotely


Relocation Options, from the dropdown menu, you can select:

  • Willing to Relocate

  • Not Willing to Relocate

  • No Preference to Relocation 


Step 5: You can change your Desired Pay to find optimal Internal Job Opportunities within your range 

Minimum Annual Pay and Minimum HourlyPay can be entered into the text box, while Currency must be selected from the dropdown menu. 


Once completed, select Save or Cancel. 

Step 6:  Language Preferences allow you to choose a preferred language for displaying content, menus and buttons. 

Step 7: Mentorship Participation: By selecting the check box, you are making yourself available as a mentor to other employees. Admins may pair you with another worker, either as a learner or a teacher, for knowledge transfer. Select Save once you are completed. 

Step 8: Password Reset: By selecting the Request Password Reset, you will be taken to an option to Reset My Password, where an email will be sent to the address connected to your SkyHive account. 
Note: Please check your spam folder if the message does not appear in your inbox within 2 minutes.

General Information - Edit

Step 1: To edit your General Information, such as to Add or Change your Photo, First Name, Last Name, Position or Location, select the blue Edit button under General Information. 

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  • To change your First Name, Last Name, Position or Reference ID, enter the text box. 

  • To change a Department or Location, select it from the dropdown menu. 

  • To Add or Edit a Photo, select the button under the photo. 

  • An Admin can only update Date Joined
  • Once completed, hit the blue Save blue or Cancel to exit without saving.

Note: If these settings are greyed out, you cannot edit. 


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