Edit My Profile Skills, Experience, Education & Credentials

Editing Your Skills 

Step 1: If you want to remove a skill, add a new skill, or adjust the proficiency level, click on the Edit icon to the far right of the Skills section. 

This is located under the General tab. 



From here, you will be taken to the Skills section.


Step 2: To Edit the proficiency level of skill, click on it and select the appropriate proficiency level from Entry Level, Intermediate, or Advanced. 

You can also Remove the skill by selecting the x Remove Skill option. 


Step 3: To Add a Skill, enter the skill into the text box. Wait a few seconds, and a list will be populated to choose from. 


Step 4: Click Enter on your keyboard, and then you will be asked to choose the proficiency level of the skill. 


Step 5: By scrolling down to the bottom of the page, you will see a list of Recommended Skills. These are based on skills extracted from your resume and live labor market demand for this position within your region. 

  • You can add these Recommended Skills by clicking on the skill and choosing the proficiency level. 
  • You can also select Suggest More to view more Recommended Skills


Note: The reason why ‘No skills found’ may appear under Profile Skills is that you have already added them all

Step 6: Once content with your profile, scroll to the very bottom of the page and select Save.



Editing Experience

Step 1: To edit your Work Experience, select the Experiences tab followed by Edit. 


Step 2: If you are editing your Experience, click on the text boxes to make your edit.

To adjust the Start Date or End Date, click on the Blue calendar icon next to the date and locate a new one.

Alternatively, you can select Clear to erase your latest role.

Step 3: As you scroll through to ensure the information is accurate, you can select Remove to remove the Experience or Add More Experience if a role is missed. 


Step 4: Once you have reviewed the Experience page, select the blue Save button at the bottom. 




Editing Education & Credentials

Step 1: Select the Credentials tab to edit your Education or Credentials tab, followed by Edit. 


Step 2: To Edit or Add an Institution, click on the text box and start to fill it out. Wait a few seconds for the generated list. You can manually add it if it doesn’t exist by selecting Add from the bottom dropdown list. 


Step 3: To Edit or Add a Field of Study, click on the text box and start to fill it out. Wait a few seconds for the generated list. If it doesn’t exist, you can manually add it by selecting Add from the bottom of the dropdown list.


Step 4: Under Credential Awarded, you may select the appropriate credential from the dropdown list. 


Tip: If you have earned an MBA, select Master’s Degree from the dropdown as the SkyHive Engine will factor this in. 

Step 5:
As you scroll through to ensure the information is accurate, you can select Remove to remove the Study or Add More Studies if a Study was missed. 



Once you have reviewed this portion, you can move to Licenses and Certifications

Step 6: To Edit or Add a License or Certificate, click on the text box and start to fill it out. Wait a few seconds for the generated list. You can manually add it if it doesn’t exist by selecting Add from the bottom dropdown list. 



Editing Hobbies & Interests

Step 1: To edit Hobbies & Interests, select the Other tab followed by Edit


Step 2: While optional, you can add Hobbies & Interests to your profile. Click on the text box and start to fill it out. Wait a few seconds for the generated list.

Tip: To remove a Hobby or Interest, click the x next to it.


Once you are completed, select Save.




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