Employee View: Career Path Explorer

Exploring a Career Path

Career Path Explorer allows you to explore career opportunities, helps you identify hidden and adjacent skills, skills gaps to your desired career goals, and targeted learning pathways to bridge those gaps, ultimately supporting you to upskill and advance your career.

You will be able to see the following options: 

  1. Career path suggestions featuring roles above your current role (level up)
  2. Career path suggestions featuring adjacent to your current role (parallel)
  3. Career path suggestions featuring roles that utilize your current skills (skill set)
  4. Search your future career goal (Enter your own) 

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Selecting one of the titles will allow you to explore a potential career path. 

In this example, Marketing Manager has been selected. 

Path Visualization: Upon opening this selection, a path visualization will be displayed, which shows a typical career journey based on labor market career transitions. 

Digital Marketing Coordinator (Current Role) → Marketing Manager (Desired Role)

Skills Match: A breakdown to explain the percentage match is presented by toggling to Skills Match. 

In this example, the user can view the skills that match the position, those that partially match the position, and those that require training.

  • Skills match to position: Skills you possess that are in common with the selected path.
  • Skills partially match to position: Skills you possess that are in common with the selected path but not quite at the proficiency required.
  • Skills need to be trained: Skills you do not possess related to the selected path.



Internal Career Path Suggestions

Note: A SkyHive Administrator must enable this since it is an Advanced Setting

A new internal career path suggestions section displays tailored recommendations for advancing within your company.

It will recommend up to three manager roles above your current level and related roles at your manager's level. This provides visibility into potential career progressions.

The search experience remains unchanged - results will still include external roles even if that option is disabled in settings. We've also added validation to hide the internal suggestions if a user lacks a direct manager assignment.

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Search Your Future Career Goal

Alternatively, you can also enter your own desired role that may even exist outside of your organization to see the skills associated with that particular career path.

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To add your position, click on the text box and fill it out. Wait a few seconds for the generated list. If it doesn’t exist, you can manually add it in.

  • Positions marked with this icon are defined within your company and have skills set by the management. (Org Chart icon)
  • Positions marked with this icon are Job openings posted by your company and have skills set by the hiring manager and HR. (Briefcase icon)

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In this example, Sr. Project Manager position has been selected. 

You can then see how well your skills match with the selected role:

Skills in common that you already possess skills you can train to become more qualified for your future career.

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Note: For Career Paths of less than a 10% match, SkyHive will offer alternative roles to build your skills. Select View recommendations to access. 

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Recommended career paths will then be presented with a higher skills match, which could serve as a stepping stone. 

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Screenshot - 2023-10-03T170034.287.pngJob Description: For Enterprise Positions or Talent Acquisition jobs that contain a description, you can view the Job Description tab to help you better understand the meaning. 

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Set a Career Path 

Once you have determined your preferred Career Path, select "Set as your Career Path."

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A breakdown will be displayed which highlights: 

  • Skills match to position (Share in common)
  • Skills to train (Your gaps)

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You can select the suggested training to be matched to courses based on your skill gaps. 

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Edit or Change Career Path

Select Career Path Explorer from the left-hand navigation menu. 

From here, you can view your current career path along with all of the details of skills that match to position and skills that need to be trained. 

You have two options to edit, change or cancel your Career Path. 

  1. Explore more paths: This will take you back to the original suggestions
    • Career path suggestions featuring roles above your current role (level up)
    • Career path suggestions featuring adjacent to your current role (parallel)
    • Career path suggestions featuring roles that utilize your current skills (skill set)
    • Search your future career goal (Enter your own) 
  2. Cancel Career Path 




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