Employee Profiles Settings

Note: The following settings may only be enabled or disabled by a SkyHive Administrator. 

Employee Profiles Settings can be accessed by visiting Settings >  Enterprise profile > General Settings


Minimum Number of Self-Assessed Skills

Default: 10 on Enterprise Creation

Detailed logic description:

  • The setting itself is a slider that allows a user to define the minimum number of self-assessed skills for every employee’s profile to consider completed.
  • A metric for the Employees module > Analytics tab is "Profile Completion."


  • Every employee who added the minimum number of skills, depending on the setting "Minimum Number of Self-assessed Skills" to their profile, should be marked as "Complete."

  • Every employee who hasn't added any skills or who has added less than the minimum number of skills to their profile should be marked as "Incomplete."

  • The system does not pay attention to archived and deleted employees for profile completion stats.

  • The system still counts inactive employees with enough skills as completed profiles for profile completion stats and includes them in the profile completion analytics.


Minimum Number of Assessed Skills

Description: The settings let the user see the metrics for a count of managerial assessments done and set the threshold for a minimum number of assessed skills for an employee to be counted as Assessed so that the managerial role user has a way to control and track the progress of employees that have been assessed/ not yet assessed

Default: 10 on Enterprise Creation

  • The setting is a slider that determines the number of skills the employee should be assessed on (have proficiency for) under 'Assessments' to be counted as 'Assessed.'


  • When the manager+ conducts the Assessments on the 'Assess Skills' Modal for Employee Profiles, this threshold will keep a check on - the count of the manager's assessed skills i.e. the count of skills for which the manager assigns a proficiency level (Refer to the design). This count will be red until the threshold is reached.
  • Once this threshold is reached, the counter turns Green and allows Manager+ to save the assessed skills 
  • The default number of this setting is 10


Default Skills View

Description: Sets the default view of Skills section on employees' profiles. The setting affects where exactly a managerial role user will land when viewing skills under the general tab for their enterprise employees' profiles.

Default: Self-Assessment option on Enterprise Creation

Setting Options:

1. Self Assessment: when chosen the user will view the self-assessment tab by default when he views any employee profile via the Employees module at the side navigation menu

2. Assessments: when chosen, the user will view the assessment tab by default when he views any employee profile via the Employees module at the side navigation menu

3. Match to Position: when chosen, the user will view the match to position tab by default when he views any employee profile via the Employees module at the side navigation menu.


Type of Assessment Used for Skills Matching

Description: Sets the type of assessment used for skills matching in Talent Acquisition, Training & Development, Workforce Planning, Skills Blueprint, and Match to Position.

Default: Self-Assessments option on Enterprise Creation

Setting options:

  • Self-Assessment: When enabled, All Skill Match % calculations (in Talent Acquisition, Training & Development, Workforce Planning, Skill Set Search, and Match to Position) should be based on the skills & proficiencies entered under the Employee Profiles' Self Assessment tab (current functionality)

  • Managerial Assessment: When enabled, All Skill Match % calculations (in Talent Acquisition, Training & Development, Workforce Planning, Skill Set Search, and Match to Position) should be based on the skills & proficiencies determined in the Employee Profiles' Assessments tab per the latest Managerial Assessment provided, if multiple Managerial Assessments exist for a given skill. Endorsed Skills should be considered Employee Skills in this case.

  • Average Score: When enabled, then All Skill Match % calculations (in Talent Acquisition, Training & Development, Workforce Planning, Skill Set Search, and Match to Position) should be based on the Average Score calculated for skills in the Employee Profiles' Assessments tab.

Note: Any skill that a manager has NOT assessed should have a "0" managerial score, in which case the average score would be calculated as follows:

  • Example 1: An employee self-assesses their proficiency in Excel as "3". There are NO managerial assessments for this skill. This means the average score would be (3+0)/2=1.5.

  • Example 2: An employee does not self-assess on Python (self-assessment score is "0"); their manager adds Python for this Employee as an Endorsed Skill at level 2. The average score would be (0+2)/2=1.

Note: For skills matching calculations across modules on Enterprise, proficiency score decimals should be rounded down if <.5, and rounded up if >=.5. This will ensure scores are effectively read as 0 (no proficiency), 1 (beginner), 2 (intermediate), or 3 (advanced). For example, if a skill's proficiency is 2.3, it should be taken as a 2 (intermediate). A score of 1.5 would be rounded up to 2 (intermediate).



Allow Employees to Edit Their General Information

Description: When enabled, employees can edit their name, reference ID, position, department, location, and direct manager.

Location: Available for Owner + and Higher Managerial roles under Settings > Enterprise profile > Employees Profiles

Default: Enabled on Enterprise Creation

Setting Options:

  • Enabled: for Worker User Type, when this setting is "Enabled," all the fields except Direct Manager and Date Hired can be edited

    For Manager User Type, when this setting is "Enabled," all the fields except Direct Manager and Date Hired can be edited


  • Disabled: for Worker User Type, when this setting is "Disabled," First Name and Last Name fields should also be greyed out and not allow a change in the Profile Edit Mode (can only upload photo)

    For Manager User Type, when this setting is "Disabled," managers should not be allowed to change the first name, last name, and photo of their direct reports (all fields are greyed out).






Allow Admins to Edit Employee Email IDs

Description: When enabled, HR Admin and higher permission roles can edit Employees' Email Addresses/IDs.


When the setting is enabled, the HR Admin and higher permission roles can go to their profiled employees and see the field for edit - Email. The user can change their email and save the profile.

Default: Disabled on Enterprise Creation

Setting Options:

  • Enabled: When “Enabled, " the HR Admin and higher permission roles can go to their profiled employees and see the field for edit - Email. The user can change their email and save the profile.




Disallow Upload of Photos Under Profile of Enterprise User

Description: When enabled, disallow the upload of photos under the Profile Page of the SkyHive Enterprise user. The setting is turned off by default. It’s affecting all users, including the admin. If the setting is enabled, even admins within this enterprise cannot upload/edit their own (or others) profile photos.


Default: Disabled on Enterprise Creation

Setting Options:

  • Enabled: When “Enabled,”- users can't see the button "Add photo" on their profile screen (Instead of a photo, a placeholder should be shown)


Allow Employees to Edit Their Skills

Description: When enabled, employees can edit their skills.


Default: Disabled on Enterprise Creation

Setting options:

  • Enabled:

    • The edit icon should appear beside the skills section

    • Selecting the edit icon should take the user to the skill selection page and allow them to add, remove, or change proficiency level

  • Disabled:

    • The Employee should be able to complete profile creation and add Skills but they should not be able to edit their skills after profile creation.

    • The edit icon should not appear beside the skills section on their profile. 

    • **Limitations only apply to Employees; Not Managers 



  • If allow employees to edit their skills is ON and Allow employees to edit their profile is OFF, 

    • the user should only be able to edit their skills on their profile without the ability to edit any profile details (ie. work experience, education, credentials, and hobbies.). 

    • The edit icon should appear in their profile for settings but not for any other section (ie. work experience, education, credentials, and hobbies.)

    • upon clicking the edit icon for skills, the other tabs (ie. work experience, education, credentials, and hobbies.) should not be clickable.

  • If allow employees to edit their skills is OFF and Allow Employees to Edit their Profile is ON, 

    • the user should be able to edit any profile details (ie. work experience, education, credentials, and hobbies.) but should not have the ability to edit their skills

    • The edit icon should be clickable for all details (ie. work experience, education, credentials, and hobbies.) but there should be no edit icon for "skills"

    • upon clicking the edit icon for details (ie. work experience, education, credentials, and hobbies.) the skills tab should not be clickable.

Allow Employees to Edit Their Profile Details

Description: When enabled, employees can edit their work experience, education, credentials, and hobbies.

Default: Enabled on Enterprise Creation

  • If Enabled:

    • The edit icon should appear beside work experience, education, credentials, and hobbies. 


    • Selecting the edit icon should take users to these sections and allow editing. 

  • If Disabled:

    • The User should be able to complete profile creation and add work experience, education, credentials, and hobbies but should not edit these details after profile creation.

    • the edit icon should not appear beside work experience, education, credentials, and hobbies. 

    • **Limitations only apply to Employees; Not Managers+ users

Allow Employees to View Managerial Skills Assessments

Description: Allows employees to view not only their own skills assessment but also managerial assessments.

Default: Disabled on Enterprise Creation

Setting options:

  • Enabled: when enabled, the assessments tab for the skills section under the General tab for the worker profile view is visible for worker type user, and other managerial roles in the worker view are shown.




  • Disabled: When disabled, the assessments tab for the skills section under the General tab for the worker profile view is visible for worker type users, and other managerial roles in the worker view aren’t shown.



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