General Settings

General Settings can be accessed by visiting Settings >  Enterprise profile > General Settings



Description: The setting opens the OS file browser with the ability to select and upload a file as the Enterprise logo.



Default Currency

Description: The setting defined the Enterprise default currency. For all the fields where it is required to input a value connected with price a character for the specified currency will be already defined within the field.

Currently the system support currencies for 248 countries of the world.


Skill Proficiency Levels

Description: The rating system used to measure skills proficiency.

Areas Affected: All the areas where the user is able to choose skills level; information presented within info icons, and tooltips.


Setting options:

3 Point level
If you select 3-point Proficiency level then the UI shows all the skills in the Enterprise Platform with 3 level bars. If you edit any skill or needs to select the Skill Proficiency level UI should show 3 categories of skill levels:

  • Entry
  • Intermediate
  • Experienced


4 Point level
If you select the 4-point Proficiency level, then the UI shows all the skills in the Enterprise Platform with 4 level bars. If you edit any skill or needs to select the Skill Proficiency level UI should show 4 categories of skill levels:

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Experienced
  • Advanced


5 Point level
If you select the 5-point Proficiency level then the UI shows all the skills in the Enterprise Platform with 5 level bars. If you edit any skill or needs to select the Skill Proficiency level UI should show 3 categories of skill levels:

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Experienced
  • Advanced
  • Expert


Default Display Language

Description: The Default language for displaying content, menus and buttons.


Areas Affected: The language of the whole enterprise itself. When an external user will try to view the info of the Enterprise they’ll see the chosen default language.

Setting options: Currently the system supports the following languages:

  • English

  • Español (Spanish)

  • Français (French)

  • Italiano (Italian)

  • 日本語 (Japanese)

  • 한국어 (Korean)


Privacy Policy Link

Description: Privacy Policy - SkyHive


Terms of Use Link

Description: Terms Policy - SkyHive


Show Terms and Conditions Prompt on Every Sign In

Description: When enabled, the Terms and Conditions prompt will be shown to the users on every sign-in. When disabled, the Terms and Conditions prompt will be shown to the users only on the first sign-in.



Preselect Skill Levels

Description: Use AI skill extraction to preselect skills and its levels on profile creation based on user information.

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Select from the following options in the dropdown menu:

  1. Disabled (by default)
  2. AI-extracted levels

  3. Set all skills to beginner

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When the setting is enabled:

  • If "AI extracted levels" is selected, the functionality should remain the same as the current ON setting.

  • If "Set all skills to beginner" is selected, during the extraction of skills, all skills will be preselected and set to beginner level.


Require Profile Approval

Description: Admins can track skill change requests coming from their staff and approve/reject them. A new tab called “Profile Change Request” appears on the Enterprise UI under the Employees module where the user with an Admin role (HR, Manager, Owner, Multi Admin) can view the skills update request made by a particular employee.


The request can be either approved or rejected. The managerial role user can also view the list of added skills.


Skills updates can be requested by the worker/Admin in a worker view. The requestor can initiate skills update requests by editing their own skills or adding new ones. On the UI the requestor first views the “Request Skills Change” modal where the requester can leave a comment.


After posting a request the requestor can anytime view its status on their profile.


The system also gives the requestor the possibility to cancel the request in case a sudden change of mind has happened.


When a skill request is made then the Manger role user receives an email notification that his/her direct report has added skill(s) that needs approval. After the request has been processed the requestor receives either approval or rejection email notification.


Preselect skill levels

Description: Use AI skill extraction to preselect skills and its levels on profile creation based on user information.

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Available for Owner + and Higher Managerial roles under Settings > Enterprise profile > General Settings



Skill Validation

Description: Use AI skill validation to override user self-evaluations.

Available for Owner + and Higher Managerial roles under Settings > Enterprise profile > General Settings

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